Thursday, January 9, 2014

An Introduction

I've had a couple blogs.  I had one in college that was required for one of my classes and a pregnancy blog during my first pregnancy that I never kept up with (such is the life of a first-time mama).  So, as a new year resolution, I am going to attempt ONE more time to start a blog and stick with it.  It will serve mostly as a means for extended family and friends to keep up with the happenings in the Rayburn home.

I don't really know what snips and snails and puppy dog tails actually means, but that poem stuck out in my head.  If that is, indeed, what little boys are made of, then we have an awful lot of it at our house.

This is us...

Ethan and Danielle.  Met working at Stein Mart in college, became smitten almost immediately.  Happily married since July 8, 2006.

James Marshall.  Born October 7, 2009.  Our first little love.  Sweet, smart, loving.  He loves music, the outdoors, Lightning McQueen, reading books, and his friends and family.  This little man is possibly on the Spectrum (awaiting official diagnosis).

Andrew Robert.  Born February 7, 2012.  He's a world-class snuggler and loves wrestling his daddy and big bro.  He has such a sweet little personality and can be a mama's boy at times.  :) He loves books, puzzles, Mickey Mouse, and Elmo.

I'm excited to let you into our life as a family with BOYS.  I was destined to be a boy mom.  My life is wonderful and at times crazy.  And I wouldn't trade it for the world. 

I so much enjoy reading others' blogs.  I can only hope that our adventures will be just as enjoyable to read about.  Welcome!