Thursday, February 13, 2014

Andrew Turns 2!

I completely forgot to post this last week (what kind of mother am I?!).  Andrew turned 2 on February 7! We had a fantastic party on the 8th complete with Elmo, Cookie Monster, and Bug Bird cupcakes! 

Many sweet family and friends came and sure did make this sweet boy feel special!  He is very loved by everyone. Happy (belated) birthday, Andrew Robert!

Wednesday, February 5, 2014

We LOVE music around here...

We LOVE music. We almost always have some kind of music playing at home. If no music is playing, either Mommy or Daddy is singing. Both of our boys love music, and love singing. They are fascinated by musical instruments.

Music has also become our most effective way to communicate with James. We often sing random things to him.  He responds when commands are in song form. And he's still singing the "brush your teeth" song that Ethan made up the other night.