Monday, March 3, 2014

"He certainly has ASD"...

We have known for some time. James has been showing signs of autism since he was around two and a half. But no one would come out and say the words. It was always "he shows some tendencies" or "he has certain behaviors". But we met with a doctor at Riley Hospital for Children today who said the words "he certainly has Autism Spectrum Disorder". Hearing the words made official what I have known for a year and a half.  What I have known in my gut even after therapists and specialists told me it wasn't true. I knew it, but I have been dreading these words.

What a sweet friend reminded me today was that this does not change the little boy that he is. He is James. He is SO smart. He loves to read and watch his favorite shows. He loves his family and friends. He sings Silent Night and Away in a Manger when it's not Christmas. He "snuggles down" with Mommy and Brother on the couch on a lazy Saturday. He is sweet, loving, and wonderful.

No parent wants to label their child. Especially with a label that comes with such a stigma. But here's what the label means for us:  We can do more. With this official diagnosis we can go further with what we have already been doing for James. It has always been true that we would do anything in our power to help our little boy learn and thrive in this world. And I have no doubt that he will.

1 comment:

  1. He is so sweet, and you are such a good mommy! I'm sure there are some very frustrating moments, but you seem to have a great outlook on things.
